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green home remodeling in Los Angeles

Josh Peterson from Planet Green has some excellent resolutions for going green right now. Some suggestions may often be over looked like upgrading or adding cost effective insulation. We don't have much trouble with cold months, but keeping cool air in from our air conditioners or hot air outside are good reasons to warrant thinking of an upgrade. He also points out that old windows, doors and even electrical outlets can be huge avenues where we wasting energy by not trapping hot air out when we try to stay cool, or in our few winter months, not staying warm effeciently enough. Beach areas like Malibu and Santa Monica can exacerbate the problem since the weather gets cooler at night. But even during the day, I've known some people who moved to a beach city and wore sweaters indoors and when they travel 5 minutes down the street or to Los Angeles and realize their sweater or jacket is no longer needed. Head over to Planet Green for the full article.

[ Planet Green ]